Food Security

Small-scale dairy farming: The challenges handling milk quality

Small-scale dairy farming: The challenges handling milk quality

Promoting milk production in developing countries requires an investment in a milk collection network system. As the milk collection centers receive milk from various farmers, it is crucial to ensure the quality of milk collected. Testing milk delivered by each farmer becomes a critical step at the milk center.

Fall armyworm outbreaks in the SADC region: How to respond?*

Fall armyworm outbreaks in the SADC region: How to respond?*

Given the rapid spread of the outbreaks, local and national responses are not sufficient; it requires a regional, and even a continental, response. For maize—the main crop and staple food of most countries in the SADC region—production alone, the cost of losses is estimated at $3.06 billion.

Project scaling up failure explained

Project scaling up failure explained

Why does a pilot project succeed, but when implemented on a larger scale, it fails?